When I was 4 or 5 years old, one day it snowed heavily. As usual, as soon as it stopped snowing, I went sledding with a bunch of kids in the neighborhood near my home.

Although it was just a small hill about 2 or 3 meters in height, and we didn’t have any wooden sleds or any fancy equipments, we always had great fun there.

But what unusual this time were my pants. I actually was wearing 2 pairs of pants, the one outside was a normal one but the one inside was a little special.

They were home made pants filled with cotton to keep me warm, however, it would expose my genital. I think the starting point of this design is to help small kid urinate more easily. Because such kind of thick pants with cotton are not easy to be taken off, and such small kids sometimes are not able to hold long enough for the action to be done. Of course my mother would not let me out only with the inside one, so she put a normal one on me before I left home.

So after a happy afternoon sledding down the hill with plastic bags and shoes boxes beneath my bottom, I did enjoy myself alot and went back home for dinner.

When I got home, my mother noticed that there was a lot of snow between 2 pairs of pants and the outside pants were already broken. After she took off the outside pants, the inside pants were completely wet and my genitals even got a little discoloured.

Many years passed, she told me about this story, she said “At that moment, I was really terrified that maybe I could never have any grandchildren.”

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